Tooth Pain: Causes, Remedies, and Relief to Stop Tooth Pain

Tooth Pain?
Anyone who has experienced tooth pain, very well knows how horrendous it can be. Tooth pain can be broadly because of:
- A cavity that has reached the nerve
- A broken/ fractured tooth
- Wisdom tooth pain
Home Remedies of Tooth Pain
In case you have severe toothache, you should first rinse your mouth with warm saline water to see if the pain subsides.
- Apply Ice packs (Cold compressions) in case of Swelling.
- Clove oil – It is a traditional remedy for numbing nerves. Two drops of clove oil on cotton ball and place it against the tooth itself until the pain recedes. In case clove oil is not available, you can use a bit of powdered clove or place a whole clove on the tooth. Chew the whole clove a little to release its oil and keep it in place up to half an hour or until the pain subsides.
- Peppermint Tea – It also has numbing effect. Put 1 teaspoon dried peppermint leaves in 1 cup boiling water and steep for 20 minutes. After the tea cools, swish it around in your mouth then spit it out or swallow. You can also use Peppermint oil if available.
- Rinse with hydrogen peroxide – It helps kill bacteria and relieve some discomfort, swish with a mouthful of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. A hydrogen peroxide solution is only for rinsing. Spit it out, then rinse several times with plain water.
- Over the counter medication for tooth pain: Acetaminophen or Diclofenac will also help with the acute pain. These are good medicines for tooth pain. These are painkiller tablets for tooth pain, for antibiotic for tooth pain, you should consult dentist. We don’t suggest over the counter antibiotic usage.
Also check to see if there is a food particle or other debris wedged alongside the tooth that also leads to pain. If so, try flossing around the tooth. Please avoid using a sharp object in the mouth as it may further your pain.
Broken/ knocked out tooth
If your tooth is broken, try to keep the broken piece safely with you. Your dentist will be able to bond the broken piece back to your teeth. How you handle the broken piece is imperative.
You should carefully pick the tooth by the crown or the top – take care not to touch the root- and carefully rinse it without scrubbing. If possible, reinsert the tooth in the socket, if you can’t, place the tooth in a small container of milk and contact your dentist quickly to increase the chances of saving your tooth.
In case a large piece is broken, your tooth may bleed because of exposed dental pulp. In such case, you may need an emergency root canal. Consider calling our best dentist in Delhi immediately.
If the tooth is broken because of an injury, use cold compressions for any facial swelling if present.
**If the toothache is severe, increases while lying down, or worsens with hot food, you may need additional help. You can call 011 – 41606066 to book appointment with the best dentist in Delhi, India. You can also book online appointment with our top dentist.