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Preserve Your Smile's Foundation with Socket Preservation Therapy - Tooth Socket Preservation India

Preserve Your Smile's Foundation with Socket Preservation Therapy - Tooth Socket Preservation India

Planning to get dental implants after a tooth extraction? Don’t let bone loss ruin your smile! Socket Preservation Therapy is the solution you need. It preserves the natural shape of your jaw socket, making implant placement easier and more successful- Tooth Socket Preservation India

Why choose Socket Preservation Therapy? It’s simple! This treatment prevents bone loss, keeping your jaw strong and stable. With more bone volume, your dental implants will be secure and long-lasting, giving you a beautiful smile that lasts.

Investing in Socket Preservation Therapy is a smart move for your oral health and overall well-being. Don’t compromise on your smile’s future. Ensure the success of your dental implants by choosing Socket Preservation Therapy. Visit our clinic today and experience the benefits for yourself. Your smile deserves the best care possible!

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FAQ: Dental Socket Preservation Therapy

Dental Socket Preservation Therapy is a procedure that helps maintain the natural contours of the jaw socket after a tooth extraction. It involves placing a bone grafting material in the socket to prevent bone loss and preserve the surrounding bone structure. This is crucial because without socket preservation, the jawbone can shrink and deteriorate, making it more challenging to place dental implants successfully.

Socket Preservation Therapy is typically performed immediately after a tooth extraction, saving you time and minimizing the need for additional appointments. The procedure itself is generally straightforward and well-tolerated. Your dentist will ensure your comfort throughout the process by using local anesthesia. Any post-procedure discomfort can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medication.

On the contrary, Socket Preservation Therapy promotes faster and more efficient healing. By preserving the socket’s structure and bone volume, it creates an optimal environment for future dental implant placement. In fact, without Socket Preservation Therapy, the healing process may take longer, and you may experience complications or limitations when it comes to placing dental implants.

Socket Preservation Therapy is not required for every tooth extraction, but it is highly recommended, especially if you’re considering dental implants in the future. It is particularly beneficial in cases where the extracted tooth is in a visible area, as preserving the socket’s shape helps maintain your facial aesthetics. Your dentist will assess your specific situation and advise you on whether Socket Preservation Therapy is necessary for you.



Years Experience


Positive Reviews

Preserves Jawbone

Socket Preservation Therapy prevents bone loss, preserving the natural structure and density of your jawbone.

Enhances Implant Success

By maintaining the socket's contours, this procedure provides a solid foundation for dental implants, increasing their success rate.

Saves Time and Hassle

Socket Preservation Therapy is performed immediately after tooth extraction, saving you from additional appointments and potential complications in the future.

Improves Aesthetics

Preserving the socket's shape helps retain facial aesthetics, ensuring a more natural and attractive appearance when dental implants are placed.

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Tooth Socket Preservation Delhi

In order for implant therapy to be successful there is a need for the dental implant to be adequately integrated into host bone in the proper position in three dimensions – Tooth Socket Preservation Delhi. For this to be achieved, adequate height and volume of alveolar bone is required. However, the alveolar ridge is prone to resorption following extraction of teeth which results in inadequate bone volume and unfavorable alveolar ridge architecture which ultimately limits the successful placement of dental implants – Tooth Socket Preservation Delhi

Socket Healing and Changes Following Tooth Extraction

Following tooth extraction, socket healing is characterized by internal changes that lead to formation of bone within the socket, and external/dimensional changes that lead to loss of alveolar ridge height and width. Various factors affect the healing process of sockets that are left empty and/or undisturbed. Wider extraction sockets necessitate more time for defect bone bridging when compared with narrower sockets. It is known that it takes longer to completely form bone at molar sites compared to single-rooted sites. 

Alveolar Ridge Preservation

This includes any procedure undertaken at the time of or following teeth extraction that is designed to minimize external resorption of the alveolar ridge and maximize bone tissue formation within the extraction socket. Literature suggests that ridge preservation should be considered if an implant is to be placed more than six to eight weeks after tooth extraction.

Tooth Socket Preservation Procedure

Ideally indicated for every Tooth Socket Preservation involved:

Step 1 and 2: After the extraction is done, the socket is cleaned ,debrided and irrigated.

Step3: An artificial bone substitute (Bone Graft) is packed into the socket.

Step 4: A special membrane is used to cover the socket opening to prevent graft spilling.

Step5: The gum margins around the socket are stitched together and left to heal. Once healed the bone graft gets resorbed and converted to bone thereby preserving bone.

Types of materials that could be used for Socket Preservation :

Autograft – Bone harvested from patient’s own body.

Xenograft – Bone grafts or collagen from bovine origin.

Allograft – Irradiated Block bone graft from cadaver.

Alloplast – Synthetic biomaterials such as PLGA, hydroxyapatite, tricalcium phosphate, bioglass – ceramics etc.

Benefits of Tooth Socket Preservation

Socket Preservation procedure prevents immediate bone resorption after extraction thus keeping the contour and integrity of the socket with successful and natural looking appearance for tooth restorative procedures.

For an appointment please call 9625 678 787

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