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Space Maintainers: Tooth Space Maintainers for kids

Space Maintainers: Tooth Space Maintainers for kids

Ignite your child’s lifetime of dental excellence with the transformative solution of Tooth Space Maintainers for kids. Crafted with precision and care, these remarkable devices safeguard your child’s oral harmony and preserve their radiant smile. Proactively holding space for emerging teeth prevents unwanted misalignments and empowers the natural growth process. Protect your child’s beautiful smile with Dental Space Maintainers. These special devices keep spaces open for new teeth, preventing problems and ensuring proper growth. Don’t leave your child’s dental health to chance—choose the reliable solution that guarantees a lifetime of confident smiles.

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Space Maintainers FAQ's

Dentists usually perform root canals on children ages 12 and older – Affordable Teeth space maintainer. However, root canals are sometimes needed for younger children depending on the damage to the tooth and which tooth needs a root canal procedure.

There are several types of tooth space maintainers, all of which may help your child enjoy a picture-perfect smile for years to come

Space maintainers come in two types: removable and fixed – Teeth space maintainer treatment Delhi. Removable devices are made of acrylic and use artificial teeth or blocks of a dental material to hold open the spaces. This device works better in an older child, who can remove the appliance to clean and care for it. Partial dentures are suitable removable maintainers for children with several missing teeth.

Fixed maintainers are attached with dental cement to teeth beside the gap. These are more suitable for young children or those who have lost a back tooth. Unilateral maintainers are fixed on one side, while bilateral appliances are fixed on both sides. They can be fitted on the upper or lower jaw to maintain space for front or back teeth. The device your dentist recommends depends on the number and location of missing teeth.

Benefits of Space Maintainers


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Prevents Misalignments

Dental space maintainers help prevent misalignments by holding spaces open for new teeth, ensuring proper alignment and avoiding future orthodontic issues.

Promotes Natural Growth

By preserving the necessary space for emerging teeth, space maintainers facilitate the natural growth process, allowing permanent teeth to come in properly.

Avoids Dental Complications

Getting dental space maintainers for your child reduces the risk of complications such as crowding, impacted teeth, and the need for extensive orthodontic treatment later in life.

Preserves Aesthetic Appeal

Space maintainers help maintain the aesthetic appeal of your child's smile, preventing gaps and ensuring a harmonious arrangement of teeth for a confident and beautiful smile.

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Space Maintainers: Tooth Space Maintainers for kids

Primary (baby) teeth are important for your child’s dental health. They help her eat and speak and serve as space holders in your child’s mouth to ensure that permanent teeth grow in straight – Tooth Space Maintainers for kids.

Baby teeth are also important for the jawbone and mouth muscles to develop normally. If a child’s baby tooth comes out too soon due to accident or tooth decay, problems may occur. The neighboring teeth may crowd out the space where the permanent tooth should come in or cause the tooth to come in crooked. Your pediatric dentist may recommend a space maintainer to reduce the risk of these problems.

Types of Space Maintainers: Teeth space maintainer treatment Delhi

There are two types of space maintainers for children, removable and fixed.

A removable space maintainer, of course, can be removed. A fixed space maintainer is fixed (i.e., held) to a tooth or to more than one tooth – Teeth space maintainer treatment Delhi


Removable space maintainers are similar to orthodontic appliances and are usually made of acrylic. In some cases, an artificial tooth may be used to fill a space that must remain open for the unerupted tooth. 


There are four different kinds of fixed space maintainers: unilateral, crown and loop, distal shoe and lingual. 

Are Space Maintainers Always Necessary? – Affordable Teeth space maintainer

Not every tooth that is lost too early requires a space maintainer. If one of the four upper front teeth is lost early, the space will stay open on its own until the permanent tooth comes in – Affordable Teeth space maintainer

If you do not take your child to the dentist regularly — at least every six months — a space maintainer can cause problems. This especially can occur if your child does not brush well. The gum tissue in the space can grow over the wire arm, increasing the risk of infection. If that happens, your child’s dentist may have to remove the gum tissue.

Kids specialist dentist decide the need and type of space maintainer only after clinical consultation. Call 011 – 41606066 to book an appointment with the best kids dentist in New Delhi, India.

For an appointment please call 9625 678 787