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Bone grafting

Bone grafting

Unlock the potential of your smile with dental bone grafting—a transformative procedure that can restore the foundation of your teeth. By filling in gaps and stimulating new bone growth, this advanced technique provides numerous benefits. Enhance your dental health and stability, ensuring a solid base for implants or other restorative treatments. Say goodbye to loose dentures and hello to a confident, natural-looking smile. Don’t let missing bone hold you back—choose dental bone grafting to rebuild your oral structure, improve your bite, and regain the ability to enjoy your favorite foods. Experience the power of a strong, resilient smile—schedule your bone grafting procedure today.

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Dental bone grafting is a procedure in which bone material is added to your jaw to create a strong foundation for dental implants or other restorative treatments. It is necessary when there is insufficient bone to support the desired dental restoration. This procedure promotes new bone growth and enhances stability, allowing for successful implant placement and improved oral function.

The duration of the dental bone grafting process depends on various factors, including the complexity of the case and the type of grafting performed. Generally, the procedure itself can be completed in a single visit, lasting a few hours. However, it is important to note that the complete healing and integration of the graft may take several months. Your dentist will provide you with a personalized timeline based on your specific situation.

During the dental bone grafting procedure, local anesthesia is administered to ensure your comfort. You may experience some discomfort or soreness following the procedure, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications. Your dentist will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions to minimize any potential discomfort. Rest assured, modern techniques and advancements in anesthesia make dental bone grafting a relatively comfortable and well-tolerated procedure.

Benefits - Bone grafting Surgery Cost in India


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Enhanced Stability

Dental bone grafting provides a solid foundation, improving the stability of dental implants and other restorations.

Long-Term Oral Health

Dental bone grafting promotes new bone growth, preventing further bone loss and preserving the overall structure of your jaw for years to come.

Improved Oral Function

By restoring missing bone, this procedure enhances your ability to chew, speak, and enjoy a wide range of foods.

Natural-Looking Results

Grafting fills in gaps, creating a seamless and aesthetically pleasing smile that looks and feels natural.

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Dental Bone Grafting in Delhi

Bone augmentation procedures like bone grafting can help restore the density and volume of your jawbone. This procedure is use as an adjuvant in cases of dental Implants – Dental bone grafting in Delhi

When is Bone Grafting Necessary?

Bone grafting is a technique that is required when a patient does not have a sufficient amount of healthy natural bone in his or her mouth that is capable of supporting the dental implants. This deficiency of natural bones can be caused by:

  • Development Defects
  • Gum Disease
  • Face Injury or Trauma
  • Empty Space After Teeth Were Removed

What is Dental Bone Grafting: Dental bone grafting in Delhi

A dental bone graft is a procedure that replaces missing bone in your jaw with bone grafting material to encourage regeneration – Dental bone grafting in Delhi. As the natural bone grows, it absorbs the graft material, resulting in a fully integrated region of new bone. Four types of bone grafting material exist:

  • Autografts use bone tissue obtained from the patient’s own body.  
  • Allografts come from a human donor, usually cadaver bone that has undergone treatments to make it neutral to immune reactions and free of host diseases.
  • Xenografts use the inorganic portions of animal bones, and cows are a common source.
  • Alloplasts are created from hydroxyapatite, a naturally occurring mineral in bone.

Who Needs Bone Grafts?

Anyone who has lost a tooth might need a bone graft before it is possible to place a dental implant. This is true even if you come in to ask for a dental implant the day after you lose the tooth. The socket could be infected, or the lost tooth could be the wrong size to support an immediate replacement.

Of course, most people don’t come in for an implant the same day they lose the tooth. Sometimes the reason is financial. Sometimes it’s logistical. Either way, bone loss occurs every day the tooth is missing.

Why Does Tooth Loss Cause Bone Loss?

The type of bone that typically gets into trouble is called the alveolar bone. Alveolar bone has one job: supporting and holding your teeth. If there’s no tooth, then alveolar bone starts to atrophy for lack of work.

In addition, the jawbone is built up and strengthened every time you chew. Alveolar bone loss can thus quickly lead to jawbone loss as well.

Remember, dental implants rely on osseointegration in order to work—that is, the implant has to bond with the bone to create a stable foundation for the crown. If there is no bone to work with, placing an implant becomes impossible.

How Do Bone Grafts Work?

There are several types of bone graft, and the type we use depends on the extent of the damage you’re suffering from as well as the location of the lost tooth. The different bone grafts are:

Socket Preservation

Socket preservation is a procedure in which graft material is placed in the socket of an extracted tooth at the time of extraction in order to reduce the amount of bone loss which occurs and preserve the area in the mouth which supports the root of the tooth.

Following a tooth extraction the jaw bone in the area where the tooth has been taken out usually reduces in thickness. Socket preservation acts to prevent the reduction in thickness enabling a dental implant to be placed. In the event that socket preservation is not carried out before the placement of an implant Ridge Augmentation surgery will be necessary.

An adequate thickness and structure of the jaw bone is essential for implant surgery to be carried out. Socket Preservation is an important procedure which ensures the structure of the socket is suitable for implantation. It is also important to carry out the procedure due to any loss in jawbone thickness affecting the shape of the patient’s facial appearance.

Guided Bone Regeneration

Without sufficient bone, cosmetic problems, recession of the gums and exposure and loss of the implant may occur. Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a surgical technique where bone is regenerated by using particulate bone grafting material and a membrane.

GBR uses collagen membranes to contain the growth of new bone within an area where there is insufficient bone for function, aesthetics or a prosthetic restoration.

GBR helps the development of hard tissues and is predominantly used in the oral cavity to support new bone growth on an alveolar ridge to allow stability after the placement of dental implants.

Block Bone Graft

In cases of severe horizontal or vertical loss, a block bone graft aims to restore the original anatomy of the site.

Block bone grafting is a dental surgical technique which uses bone from elsewhere on patents body – usually the jaw (ramus) – to replace the missing bone.

Unlike many other tissue types in the human body, bone tissue regenerates itself and will grow into a space available. Over time, the grafted material is replaced as the bone grows and integrated with the existing bone.

A block bone graft procedure is carried in order to thicken bone so a dental implant can be placed.

Ridge Preservation

Dental alveolus (plural: alveoli) are the tooth sockets in the jawbone in which the roots of the teeth are located. The ridge of the jawbone where the teeth enter the bone is called the Alveolar Ridge, and the width of this ridge can vary greatly from person to person, from 3mm up to 8mm.

In order to place implants in a thin alveolar ridge, the ridge needs to be split and widened. This sounds horrific, but with a sharp chisel-like hand instrument the outer cortex layer of the alveolar ridge can easily be split and widened by an experienced clinician.

In most cases a dental implant can be placed immediately after the ridge split, because the bone grows back into the gap created and integrates with the implant as it would do quite normally in a straightforward implant placement case.

Sinus Lift Procedure: Dental bone grafting cost in India

We generally use equine bone for these so that we may expand the graft. The equine bone may be added to a human donor’s bone. This procedure is necessary when the patient needs an implant in the upper jaw, which is not typically stable enough to hold the implants on their own – Dental bone grafting cost in India.

So, why equine bone? Because equine bone actually provides us with two unique advantages. It doesn’t dissolve as quickly as human bone does and microscopically is more similar to human bone. This equine bone creates a kind of “scaffold” that supports the additional growth of bone in the sinus.

Due to the anatomy of the sinus cavity healing typically takes 8-12 months.

Are Bone Grafts Painful?

Not at all! We do them in our office every day. They are an outpatient procedure, and patients are typically sedated throughout the entire process. You shouldn’t feel any pain as the graft heals, and, of course, when the graft is done you’ll be ready for your dental implants. A bone graft is simply the first step most people will have to take before they’re ready to enjoy their beautiful new replacement tooth.

What Happens After the Bone Grafting Procedure and Bone Grafting Cost in India

After the procedure has been completed, you’ll be given antibiotics to prevent infection. In some cases, pain medication is given as well. Most patients who receive bone grafts are completely pain-free and do just fine as long as they take the antibiotics – Bone grafting cost in India can be estimated by assessing the a patient.. Your dentist also has to wait for the bone graft to fuse with the natural bones that are already in your mouth. Unfortunately, your mouth is different from everyone else’s and there is no exact time frame for how quickly this happens.

It is not uncommon for it to take anywhere from three months to an entire year for the bone graft to fuse with the natural bones inside of your mouth. You will come in for regular checkups until your dentist decides you are ready for the implants.

Does Everyone Need a Bone Graft Before Getting Dental Implants?

No! Of course, the only way to know if you’ll need a bone graft is to schedule a consultation. During the consultation, you’ll find out if you need one and if so, what type of bone graft is needed.

Schedule your consultation today, Call 9625 678 787.