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Pyorrhoea treatment

Pyorrhoea treatment

Reclaim the health of your gums and bid farewell to pyorrhea. Don’t let gum disease compromise your oral well-being any longer. Seeking treatment for pyorrhea is the key to preventing further damage and restoring gum health. Experience the transformative power of expert periodontal care that targets the underlying causes of gum disease, offering a renewed sense of oral hygiene. Our skilled professionals provide tailored treatments, utilizing advanced techniques to control infection, reduce inflammation, and promote gum healing. Embrace the opportunity to preserve your natural teeth and enjoy a lifetime of dental well-being. Schedule your consultation today and embark on a journey towards healthier gums and a confident smile.

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Pyorrhea, also known as periodontal disease or gum disease, is a condition characterized by inflammation and infection of the gums. It is primarily caused by poor oral hygiene, plaque buildup, bacterial infection, smoking, certain medical conditions, and genetic predisposition.

Treatment options for pyorrhea depend on the severity of the condition. They may include professional deep cleaning (scaling and root planing) to remove plaque and tartar, antibiotic therapy to control infection, gum surgery to repair damaged tissues, and ongoing maintenance to manage the condition.

 The timeline for seeing results from pyorrhea treatment can vary depending on the individual’s specific case, the severity of the disease, and the chosen treatment approach. Improvement in symptoms and gum health can be observed within a few weeks to a few months. However, long-term management and maintenance are essential to prevent the recurrence of gum disease.

While pyorrhea cannot be completely cured, it can be effectively managed and controlled with appropriate treatment and ongoing maintenance. Following a proper oral hygiene routine, regular dental check-ups, and adopting a healthy lifestyle can help manage the condition and prevent its progression. Consulting with a dental professional is crucial for developing a personalized treatment plan and ensuring optimal oral health.



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Improved Gum Health

Pyorrhea treatment restores gum health by reducing inflammation, controlling infection, and promoting healing, leading to stronger and healthier gums.

Prevents Tooth Loss

Treating pyorrhea helps prevent further damage to the gums and underlying bone structures, reducing the risk of tooth loss and preserving natural teeth.

Alleviates Discomfort

Pyorrhea treatment alleviates common symptoms associated with gum disease, such as gum inflammation, bleeding, bad breath, and tooth sensitivity, leading to improved oral comfort.

Promotes Overall Well-being

Addressing pyorrhea not only improves oral health but also contributes to overall well-being. Gum disease has been linked to various systemic health issues, including heart disease and diabetes, so managing pyorrhea can have a positive impact on overall health.

Revitalize Your Gums: Pyorrhea Treatment for a Healthier Smile

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Pyorrhoea Treatment Delhi

Pyorrhea is probably the most common dental problem and definitely the most ignored. Ignorance towards pyorrhea is because of multiple reasons – misinformation, taboos, myths and also because it is a silent disease in the initial phase – Pyorrhoea Treatment Delhi.

What is Pyorrhea?

Pyorrhea is commonly known as periodontitis, it occurs when Periodontium (Tissues surrounding your teeth) become infected. Untreated Pyorrhea can lead to loss of tooth because the alveolar bone surrounding the teeth becomes infected and resorbs.

Pyorrhoea causes?

The development of Pyorrhea, (periodontitis) starts with plaque — a sticky film composed mainly of bacteria. If left untreated, here’s how plaque can eventually advance to periodontitis, here are Pyorrhoea causes:

Plaque forms on your teeth when starches and sugars in food interact with bacteria normally found in your mouth. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day removes plaque, but plaque re-forms quickly.

Plaque can harden under your gumline into tartar (calculus) if it stays on your teeth. Tartar is more difficult to remove and it’s filled with bacteria. The longer plaque and tartar remain on your teeth, the more damage they can do. You can’t get rid of tartar by brushing and flossing — you need a professional dental cleaning to remove it.

Plaque can cause gingivitis, the mildest form of gum disease. Gingivitis is irritation and inflammation of the part of your gum tissue around the base of your teeth (gingiva). Gingivitis can be reversed with professional treatment and good home oral care.

Ongoing gum inflammation can cause periodontitis, eventually causing pockets to develop between your gums and teeth that fill with plaque, tartar and bacteria. In time, these pockets become deeper, filling with more bacteria. If not treated, these deep infections cause a loss of tissue and bone, and ultimately you may lose one or more teeth. Also, ongoing chronic inflammation can put a strain on your immune system

Risk factors

Factors that can increase your risk of periodontitis include:

  • Gingivitis
  • Poor oral health habits
  • Smoking or chewing tobacco
  • Hormonal changes, such as those related to pregnancy or menopause
  • Recreational drug use, such as smoking marijuana or vaping
  • Obesity
  • Inadequate nutrition, including vitamin C deficiency
  • Genetics
  • Certain medications that cause dry mouth or gum changes
  • Conditions that cause decreased immunity, such as leukemia, HIV/AIDS and cancer treatment
  • Certain diseases, such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease

Signs and Symptoms of Pyorrhea

Pyorrhea is a silent disease in the initial stages, because there are no symptoms initially. As the disease progresses, the various signs & symptoms are:

  • Bad breath
  • Loose teeth
  • Painful chewing
  • Swollen or puffy gums
  • Gums that bleed easily
  • Bad breath or halitosis
  • Recurrent gum swelling
  • Pus between your teeth and gums
  • Bright red, dusky red or purplish gums
  • New spaces developing between your teeth
  • Gums that feel tender or sensitive when touched
  • A change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • Tooth or gum redness or bleeding when flossing or brushing
  • Blood when you bite into hard fruits like pears, apples, or guava
  • Deep pockets or spaces formed between the gums and the teeth
  • Loose teeth that move in place when you touch it with your finger or tongue
  • Gums that pull away from your teeth (recede), making your teeth look longer than normal

Types of Pyorrhea

Pyorrhea or periodontitis come in several variations or types. The most common types of pyorrhea include the following.

Chronic Pyorrhea

The most common type of pyorrhea is the chronic kind. It affects mostly adults but it’s not unusual for children to suffer from this either. This condition is caused by plaque buildup that includes slow periodontal, gum, and bone deterioration that might get worse or improve over time depending on what the patient does about it.

Aggressive Pyorrhea

Aggressive periodontitis typically starts at early adulthood or childhood and affects only a select number of the population. It’s a hereditary type of periodontal disease that affects families for the most part. If left untreated, this destructive pyorrhea type will cause rapid progression of tooth and bone loss when push comes to shove. It should be dealt with immediately. 

Necrotizing Pyorrhea

Necrotizing periodontitis or periodontal disease is the worst type of pyorrhea that involves the death of supporting bone, tooth ligaments, and gum tissue caused by necrosis or lack of blood supply.  This then results in severe infection. This condition usually occurs in people who have a suppressed immune system such as from cancer treatment, HIV infection, and so forth. It’s also caused by malnutrition.

Pyorrhoea Treatment Delhi

Periodontal disease or pyorrhea is curable but there is a point of no return and reversing the condition is difficult. You might not be able to save some or all of your teeth if your pyorrhea is particularly bad, despite it being curable or reversible – Pyorrhoea Treatment Delhi.

Long story short, you should brush and floss daily as well as gargle with mouthwash in order to keep bacterial populations low and your pyorrhea risk even lower. Here are important things to remember:


You should brush twice a day to avoid developing pyorrhea or any other kind of oral disease. You should also brush properly and don’t scrape too hard with your brush. Move the brush in a circular pattern and do it thoroughly but gently. Brush at least 2-3 minutes daily and don’t forget to regularly change your toothbrush as well every 3-4 months.


Use a piece of floss on each individual tooth and then scrape not only the stuck bits of food but also the plaque on the tooth surface until all the teeth have been properly flossed. 


 Mouthwash is at least a bit more self-explanatory than flossing or brushing. Just gargle with the mouthwash and then spit it out, right? In certain situations, like when you have a bacterial infection or swelling infected gums, you might need to let that mouthwash stay in your mouth for at least 30 seconds before spitting it out. Ideally, you should use antiseptic mouthwash and use it after brushing and flossing. It also helps get rid of bad breath.

Home-Made Remedies: 

You can also make use of home-made remedies to help fight or prevent pyorrhea. For example, you can chew an onion in order to kill germs that assist in periodontitis development. Onion also helps treat the bleeding gums symptom of both gingivitis and periodontal disease. You even have the option to eat fruits enriched with Vitamin C such as lemon and guava. Lemon prevents gum inflammation as well.

Dentist Visit:

 You should regularly visit your dentist. Dentist can do thorough cleaning of your teeth and gums that are even more effective than everyday brushing and flossing known as prophylaxis for at least every 6 months. Your dentist knows best and can provide the right treatment for your issues.

Deep Cleaning: 

If you’re a patient with advanced pyorrhea and deep periodontal pockets where there used to be gum tissue, bone, and ligaments, you should avail of this treatment. It’s a package deal to treat chronic gum disease using the services of scaling and root planning.


This procedure involves the dentist removing tartar and plaque on your teeth, gums, and periodontal pockets. This buildup of yellowish and brownish material is directly causing your pyorrhea. Special debridement tools are needed to access these areas because they’re beyond the reach of flossing, tooth brushing, or prophylaxis treatments.

Root Planing: 

The infected root is then smoothened out using dental instruments like a drill or a laser. The bacteria usually collects at the root and the pockets caused by your receding gumline, thus necessitating cleanup and removal. What’s more, infected tooth roots need to be planed in order to begin their healing.


Your dentist will likely prescribe an over-the-counter (OTC) painkiller and antibiotic for your infection. He might also recommend follow-up visits to determine whether or not your deep-cleaned teeth require more scaling and root planning. These additional appointments also help him check the progress of your gingival and dental healing.

For any further information or to book an appointment, call 9625 678 787 for best dental treatment in New Delhi, India with our award winning dentist.