
P-83 Basement, South Extension II

New Delhi - 110049

Mon - Sat: 9AM - 7PM

Sunday: 10AM - 5PM

What is Zoom Teeth Whitening?

Zoom teeth whitening is a technique used by cosmetic dentists to enable you to achieve whiter and brighter teeth through advanced laser technology. This method is the most popular form of teeth whitening technique and it is the fastest and highly-effective procedure. The treatment takes place in your dentist’s office and it usually lasts for an hour or less to be completed. Zoom teeth whitening is the gold standard technique worldwide for teeth whitening  and produces a rapid and brilliant end-result. The treatment is done under a comfortable circumstance and it is safe when performed by a professional.

The Zoom Teeth Whitening Procedure

If you are ready to schedule your Zoom teeth whitening procedure, it is crucial that you choose to work with a professional dentist who has experience with the Zoom whitening system. Getting a professional whitening treatment is only worth as much as the professional who administers the procedure. If you have crowns, veneers, or other specialized dental work, your dentist may need to adjust how the Zoom whitening system is administered or how long treatments last.

First, the lips and gums will be covered and protected, exposing the teeth for the whitening procedure. The procedure will begin with the application of the hydrogen peroxide gel. Next, the UV light is used to further activate the gel and speed up the whitening process. The lamp will be turned on in 15-minute intervals and repeated 2- 3 times. Lastly, a fluoride gel will be applied to the teeth to reduce sensitivity after the procedure. Immediately after the procedure, the teeth can be impeccably white, fading to a natural, bright shade within a couple of days.

The results of the Zoom Teeth whitening system can last for several years, but results vary with each treatment and are dependent on the teeth and lifestyle of the individual. Smoking, eating colored foods, candies, and the natural process of aging can discolor teeth over time. However, whitening maintenance is another option.

What Should You Not Do After Zoom Teeth Whitening?


  • Don’t Take Colored Drinks
  • Don’t Take Colored Foods
    Don’t Go Against Your Dentist
  • Don’t Smoke

If you are interested in Zoom teeth whitening, our team can help. Call Meraki  Dental Studio at 011-41606066  to discuss your case with our award winning  cosmetic dentist.