Overdenture Treatment in Delhi

A Brief Overview of Overdenture Treatment in Delhi
There is a common problem of frequent slippage during speaking or eating with traditional dentures. Overdenture treatment in Delhi helps solve this problem by stabilizing the prosthesis and providing more retention.
In the information provided below, we will briefly discuss the types and the procedure for the fabrication of overdentures- brought to you by Meraki Dental Studio.
Types of overdentures – Overdenture Treatment in Delhi
Two to six implants secure the prosthesis in place. This type of overdenture can be removed at night by simply unscrewing the prosthesis. Due to its removable nature, it is easier to clean and maintain.
Fixed implant supported
In this variant of overdentures, four implants are required to stabilize the overdenture. It is a fixed type of overdenture that can only be removed by your dentist. Due to its fixed nature, it is the most stable and retentive type of overdenture.
Bar retained
The denture clings to the bar attachment on top of the implant. The implants are placed in the jawbones, with a bar-style attachment on top of them.
Ball retained
It has a ball-shaped attachment connecting the implants with the dentures, making it easier to remove for cleaning and sleep.
Procedure for fabrication – Overdenture Treatment in Delhi
Consultation and Examination
The consultation is a significant step in which you will be examined by our team at Meraki Dental Studio. To customize your treatment plan, we will examine your current dental status clinically and radiologically. It is a critical step as you can clear all your queries regarding the outcome with our team. In clinical examination, all your teeth and supporting structures are examined carefully. Radiological assessment is important to analyze the bone level for implant placement.
Implant surgery
Implant surgery is carried out under local anesthesia and requires no hospital administration. It is painless and hassle-free. Dental implants are tiny posts of titanium inserted directly into the jawbone to support the prosthesis.
Recovery phase
The recovery phase varies from individual to individual and usually ranges from two to six months. The implants are secured with the bone due to osseointegration. It is crucial to confirm the implant’s stability before loading the implants.
Healing cap
Once implant integration is confirmed within the jawbone, the healing caps are placed after the implants are exposed. The healing caps guide the soft tissue recovery around the implants.
Dental impression
The dental impression is made to make a model to be sent to the lab for denture fabrication. It is crucial as it determines how well your prosthesis fits in the mouth.
Framework fabrication
The framework is fabricated based on the dental impressions. The artificial teeth are adjusted on the denture according to an individual’s bite.
Final insertion
Once the framework is finalized, the dental lab fabricates the final prosthesis. The final insertion involves locking the denture with implants already placed in the mouth.
Regular follow-up visits are essential to track the progress of the implants and also to check the dental status of the natural teeth, if any, and the surrounding structures periodically.